Sunday, February 26, 2012

Making Soup

John's quote said it all.....

"High Peaks Masters - Making your world a better place, one meal at a time"

6 High Peaks Masters team members spent an afternoon at Seagate cooking 65 meals for the homeless of Longmont. We cooked the packaged meals were cooked in Seagate's cafeteria kitchen and distributed by HOPE of Longmont, as part of Seagate's "Soup Angels" program.
Armin was a bit late and missed the picture, but was a GREAT dishwasher.

Everyone agreed that doing this made them just plain feel GOOD, doing a little thing for others who need help.


  1. Nicely done, boys. Three Hoorahs atya!
    Will miss the HPM conclave Wednesday night, so 'good on ya' and hope you have good time.

  2. Thanks, Dean!
    Sorry we won't have you along wed. Keep skiing fast!
